CD update (and meet the McGregors )
Currently the Young Voices of Macedon singers are hard at work producing recordings for our ‘Iso Choir’ CD. So far we have completed a 3-part performance of Octopus’s garden as an audio file and the Cantabiles (8+ years) expect to complete recordings of Summer holiday and the Carribean hymn Halle, halle, halle, with participation of some parents in the lowest parts. Work on the jazz cantata Captain Noah and his floating zoo is also zooming along. Meanwhile the Vivos (6-7 years) are recording a very dramatic song about pirates.
The photo shows 4 members of the McGregor family from Sunbury: Finn (Choir Captain), Elliott, Rohan and new member Bonnie. All are very keen singers, Finn and Elliot sing in the lower seconds division of Cantabiles, while Rohan and Bonnie are enthusiastic members of the Vivo group. Both Finn and Elliot are proudly wearing their 2-year badges. As home-schoolers, these children gain valuable social interaction through their choir membership, together with extensive music education. Of all the songs learned at choir, Finn has enjoyed most of all those from operas.