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Jessica Demare

At a young age, Jessica began singing and dancing with her local dance school. Over many years she performed as a part of the school’s main dance troupe and as a soloist in regular concerts and regional competitions in Bacchus Marsh and Bendigo. During this time, Jessica was also an enthusiastic member of her school choir, taking on the positions of Choir and Music Captain of Braemar College in her final years of schooling. 


After completing her Bachelor of Music at the Australian Catholic University in 2009, Jessica sang with the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir under the direction of Andrew Wailes. Whilst singing with this choir she regularly participated in concerts at the Melbourne town hall, St Paul’s Cathedral and Deakin Edge Federation Square, as well as being privileged to sing at special events such as the Melbourne Cup. 


Jessica completed the Master of Teaching at Melbourne University in 2011, and since then has taught as a music specialist, drama specialist, mathematics, food technology and arts specialist in both primary and secondary contexts.  She has also worked as the Instrumental Coordinator and Head of Arts at Wellington Secondary College, Mulgrave until 2017. In addition to her educational work, Jessica has also performed as Cantor for the Basilica of Our Lady of Victories in Camberwell. 


More recently, Jessica has been teaching in a small rural p-10 school in Deniliquin NSW, conducting the choir and coordinating the primary arts program. Currently, she is singing with St Ambrose Church choir in Woodend and encouraging her twin toddlers to sing together tunefully. 






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