July 2020 Term 3 Update
Term 3 will commence on Thursday 23 July, given the extended school holidays.
Since one of our teachers and several choristers live in Sunbury, which is under lockdown, rehearsals will continue on the Zoom platform until the end of August, or until government regulations allow for a return to live meetings.
During term 2, which was a Zoom experience throughout, our teachers became very resourceful in developing alternative strategies that enabled the children to achieve some impressive goals. Currently in preparation, a CD documenting the term’s efforts will provide evidence of the hard work put in by teachers and the willingness and capacity of our children to learn in different ways.
New members are very welcome to join the choir, and can expect a warm welcome on the Zoom screen. Hopefully this arrangement will soon give way to live rehearsals at the Norma Richardson Hall, Woodend, when children can truly sing as a group and enjoy each other’s company in person.
For further details please phone 0437 931 690.